Friday, August 8, 2008

ABC News: Edwards Admits to Sexual Affair; Lied as Presidential Candidate

ABC News: Edwards Admits to Sexual Affair; Lied as Presidential Candidate: "John Edwards repeatedly lied during his Presidential campaign about an extra-marital affair with a novice film-maker, the former Senator admitted to ABC News today."
Gee, what a surprise. If you rely on the mainstream media, that is. How about this part: "When the National Enquirer first reported the alleged Edwards-Hunter affair last October 11, Edwards, his campaign staff and Hunter vociferously denounced the report. "The story is false, it's completely untrue, it's ridiculous," Edwards told reporters then. He repeated his denials just two weeks ago. Edwards today admitted the National Enquirer was correct when it reported he had visited Hunter at the Beverly Hills Hilton last month."

So, Edwards is a serial liar and adulterer. The mainstream media are once again proven to be in the tank for the Democrats because they refused to report on the hotel incident and all the other evidence. And National Enquirer was proven to be right. And the blogs were right.

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